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David 1.0
Intuitive AI companion that sees, hears and reads
to predict your needs before you prompt
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David is built using in-house technologies and doesn't rely on external APIs such as OpenAI API.
What can you understand, David?
I can understand videos, images, audios, files, external links and text
I can describe videos, find scenes, answer questions and build semantic graph of objects in the video
David, at what time can we see a red pickup with a man sitting on top of it?
I'd be happy to help you with that! In the video, you can see a red pickup with a man sitting in the back at the very beginning. The scene is only a few seconds long and starts at around the 00:00:02 mark. In this scene, the truck is parked on a brick street, and the man seems to be enjoying the ride or taking a break. There are also a few other people in the area, as well as a couple of bottles and a handbag visible in the scene. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Captured frame with bounding boxes
Relevant timestamps
I can describe images, extract text, answer questions, detect objects and their locations and turn them into semantic graph
What can you see on this image?
Input image
I see an exhilarating scene unfolding on this image. Two luxurious sports cars, one being a Lamborghini and the other a Ferrari, are racing down a highway. The Lamborghini is currently in the lead, while the Ferrari follows closely behind. Other vehicles such as a truck and numerous cars are also present on the road. A figure is standing near the side of the road, seemingly engrossed in the spectacle.
Input image with bounding boxes
What is the patient's name, medication name and number of pills in the bottle?
Input image
The patient's name on the label is "MARY THOMAS." The medication name is "ATENOLOL 100 MG TABLET." The label indicates that there are "30" pills remaining in the bottle.
Input image with bounding boxes
I can understand speech, describe audio, find timestamps, answer questions about the audio and build semantic graph from audio
At what time does king Charles III speak about passing titles to Prince William?
Charles III speaks about passing titles to his son William from 00:02:07 to 00:02:24.
Relevant timestamps
What happened to the queen?
The recording is about the late Queen Elizabeth II and her deep affection for Scotland. The speaker, who is likely King Charles III, expresses his admiration for the Scottish people and their friendliness, wisdom, and guidance. He also mentions the Queen's pledge to serve her country and people, and her deep connection to Scotland. The recording does not provide specific information about the Queen's passing, but it is implied that the recording was made after her death.
Relevant timestamps
I can extract data from various files, describe them, summarize them, answer questions and build semantic graph from file
Who coined the term AGI?
The term "artificial general intelligence" was first used in a discussion about implications of fully automated military production and operations by Mark Gubrud in 1997. It was later re-introduced and popularized by Shane Legg and Ben Goertzel around 2002.
View in graph
External links
I can extract data from external web pages, summarize them, answer questions and build semantic graph
What levels of AGI are proposed by DeepMind researchers?
DeepMind researchers propose five levels of AGI: emerging, competent, expert, virtuoso, and superhuman.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a hypothetical AI system that could understand, learn, and apply knowledge across various tasks at a human-equivalent or superior level, with potential applications in healthcare, education, and productivity. However, AGI also poses significant risks, such as misalignment with human values, mass surveillance, and neglect of sentient machines' welfare. Debate surrounds the potential for AGIs to have harmful objectives, with some skeptics like Yann LeCun arguing against the likelihood of AGI domination, while others believe in instrumental convergence. Scholars concerned about existential risks advocate for research into the "control problem," ensuring AGIs continue to behave in a friendly manner post-superintelligence. Critics argue that the focus on AGI risks overshadowing other AI concerns, and that AGI is unlikely in the short term. Additionally, there are concerns about an AI arms race, weapon systems, mass unemployment, and the need for wealth redistribution. Elon Musk suggests a universal basic income as a solution. The text also highlights the potential for AGI to control robotized bodies and the importance of global cooperation to mitigate AGI risks.
What can you do, David?
I can manage your tasks, calendar and notes from task decomposition to notes visualization
Tasks and calendar
I can help you manage your reminders and tasks via chat or calendar view keeping you focused
I want to set reminder
Please specify a reminder's name and due date in the form on the right.
[draft] 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM, May 15change
Changes saved
Set reminder
May 12, 2024 - May 18, 2024
11:00 am
meeting with team
9 am
10 am
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
6 pm
7 pm
8 pm
9 pm
10 pm
11 pm
Task decomposition and estimate
I can automatically create subtasks for your task and prepare time estimate
create new task: prepare sales pitch

I made a subtask decomposition and estimated the time required to complete this task for your convenience. Please check it below.

Subtask Hours
Research target audience and their needs 2
Identify unique selling points of the product 2
Write a draft of the sales pitch 4
Edit and refine the sales pitch 2
Prepare visual aids or demos 2
Practice delivering the sales pitch 2

Total: 14 hours.

And I categorized it into Marketing category. But due date is not specified. So please specify the date and I will add the task to your calendar. Please fill in the due date in the form. The minimal one I'd recommend is July 17, 05:00 PM based on time estimate and other tasks.

Notes and docs visualization
I can create a second-brain graph view of all your content including notes and files
Formatted interactive responses not just plain text
I can respond in the most suitable user friendly formats depending on user input
The scene is only a few seconds long and starts at around the 00:00:02 mark. In this scene, the truck is parked on a brick street, and the man seems to be enjoying the ride or taking a break.
Captured frame with bounding boxes
Relevant timestamps
Charles III speaks about passing titles to his son William from 00:02:07 to 00:02:24.
Relevant timestamps

Your current task list for the next day is below:

Name Number Due Date Status
buy groceries 22144 August 2, 04:00 PM New
Prepare sales pitch 22143 August 4, 01:00 PM New

If you require any other help, please don't hesitate to reach me.

Check out the tasks side view or gantt view below for a detailed overview of your tasks.

0001 Aug0612060002 Aug0612060003 Aug0612060004 Aug0612060005 Aug0612060006 Aug0612060007 Aug0612060008 Aug0612060009 Aug0612060010 Aug0612060011 Augbuy groceriesPrepare sales pitch
Pro-active help
I'm not sitting waiting for your prompts. I remind, offer help and try to predict your needs pro-actively.
You have a team meeting in 15 minutes. Don't for get about it.
An overdue task is on your list. This is 'Buy groceries' (22144). If it's finished, can I mark it as done?
Your meeting just finished according to my calendar. Want me to prepare meeting minutes? Just upload the recording.
Looks like I can try to help you with 'Research Thanksgiving dinner ideas' in your task. Do you want me to try and offer you my results for this subtask?
I can do many things that could be asked of me